Webinar: Qlucore Omics Explorer: Analyzing RNA-seq raw count data

12 Mar 15:00 - 15:30 (CET), 09:00 - 09:30 (EST), 06:00 - 06:30 (PST)

Many users get RNA-seq data in the form of a raw count matrix, either directly in an excel/csv/ txt file, or through aligned BAM file import. You can import the data into Qlucore Omics Explorer, and then select the normalization method you want to apply, and the tests you want to utilize. In this webinar we will both have a look at VST normalization and the use of DESeq2 statistical tests (Wald and LRT), as well as TMM/TPM/FPKM normalization and standard statistics (T-test/ANOVA etc).