78% of users say that Qlucore is easy or very easy to use

78% of the respondents in our customer survey state that Qlucore easy or very easy to use.

This means that:

- It´s easy for new users to get started. You and your organization save time.

- It´s easier to learn more about the program and spend time on finding interesting results in your data.

- You and your organization get the option to split workloads differently.

If you are new to QOE or data analysis you will find that the visualization-driven approach really makes a difference. All through your workflow you will have an image of your data in front of you and the result of all applied selections and statistical filters is directly available and visualized immediately.

QOE is feature rich with fast filters, powerful statistics and more than ten plot types (including heatmap, PCA, Venn, Volcano and Box) that can be configured in thousands of different ways. Extend your analysis to pathways and gene lists with the inbuilt Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) workbench or inspect your new single cell RNA-seq experiment with a t-SNE plot.

Work with any Omics or NGS data (check out the Qlucore homepage for a long list of supported data types). Qlucore is underpinned by a generic software engine tailored for superfast calculations and visualizations, enabling you to work with many different types of data.

Check it out by watching videos on Qlucore.com or download and test a free trial.