
Here are all the videos. You can search and filter based on category and product.


Qlucore Insights for BCP-ALL

Introduction Qlucore Insights

Qlucore Insights is our software for clinical data analysis. It supports a broad range of tests. This demonstration focus on pediatric leukemia. The t...


Qlucore Omics Explorer: Analyzing RNA-seq raw count data

Introduction Qlucore Omics Explorer

Many users get RNA-seq data in the form of a raw count matrix, either directly in an excel/csv/ txt file, or through aligned BAM file import. You can ...


Qlucore Omics Explorer 3.10 with integrated DESeq2 statistics for faster results

Introduction Qlucore Omics Explorer

In the new version of Qlucore Omics Explorer, 3.10, an optimized DESeq2 family of methods and statistics is supported. A broad range of statistical te...


Qlucore Insights: Transcriptomics for molecular classification of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Webinar Qlucore Insights

Qlucore Insights imports standard RNA-seq data and enables subtype classification of BCP-ALL (leukemia) samples. With the latest classifier model for ...

Multi-omics data analysis

Qlucore Omics Explorer: Multi-omics data analysis combining transcriptomics and proteomics data

Video Tutorial Qlucore Omics Explorer

Cloud Hub

Cloud hub introduction

Video Tutorial Qlucore Omics Explorer

This tutorial shows how to get started with the Qlucore Cloud hub. How to upload and download data and initiate an analysis.

Qlucore Insights: New Lung Cancer classification model

WEBINAR Qlucore Insights: New Lung Cancer classification model

Webinar Qlucore Insights

Learn how the Qlucore lung cancer model can identify metastasis. The webinar will cover the reasons why Qlucore uses transcriptomic data for classific...

using standard NGS and flexible analytical software workflows in clinical applications

WEBINAR Qlucore Insights: Benefits of using standard NGS and flexible analytical software workflows in clinical applications

Webinar Qlucore Insights

In this webinar we will show how the flexibility and use of standard procedures for generation of input data makes Qlucore Insights a classifier that ...

thoas video

Key Opinion Leader Interview - using NGS and RNA-seq in clinical cancer diagnostics

Introduction Qlucore Insights

Interview with Thoas Fioretos, Professor in Clinical Genetics, Lund University in Sweden. In the interview questions about using RNA-seq in clinical d...

thoas video

Interview with Key Opinion Leader – Benefits of using RNA-seq for clinical cancer diagnostics

Introduction Qlucore Insights

Short interview with Thoas Fioretos, Professor in Clinical Genetics, Lund University, Sweden about major benefits of using RNA-seq in the clinical set...