Qlucore Omics Explorer video
Qlucore Omics Explorer free trial
Did you know that our software Qlucore Omics Explorer (QOE) is up to 77 times faster* than any other bioinformatic software solutions when you calculate and generate a first PCA plot?
This means that you can test more ideas and evaluate more scenarios in the same timeframe. QOE will increase the likelihood of new findings and relevant actionable results.
For more information, please download a free demo and sign up for the online course Basic Training: Get started analyzing data on February 21th 2023, at 14:00 GMT (+1). Course material and a training license will be sent out prior to the course.
Benefits of QOE
Visual - a visual presentation of data that improves interaction and focus.
Easy - get started quickly and discover actionable findings.
Fast – get instant results.
Flexible – supports a broad spectrum of Omics and NGS data.
The functionality you need – 14 different types of plots, powerful statistics, built-in workbenches for GSEA and Biomarker discovery, genome browser, and direct download of data from TCGA and GEO.
User testimonial
“We use Qlucore as a first step to get an overview of the data, and to identify deeper questions we should be asking,“ says Dr Bianchi. “I start with a PCA [principal component analysis], as a first quality analysis of the samples and to start identifying patterns in the data. We then perform statistical analysis and visualize the data using a heatmap.”
Dr Elisabetta Bianchi, Senior staff scientist, Pasteur Institute in Paris, France
"Basic Training: Get started analyzing data"
February 21th, 2023
14:00 GMT (+1)
*) You can find examples and calculations here. QOE also uses intelligent data to make your second plots even faster, learning when minimum calculations are completed or a filter is changed.