Working with multiple related data sets

There are frequently situations where it is important to work with
multiple data sets that are related in various ways. In this newsletter are
examples on how you can work with Qlucore Omics Explorer using multiple data

One example is when you measure multiple types of entities for the same
samples and perhaps are interested in finding out whether a grouping of the
samples found in one of the data sets also is present in the other data set.

Another example is when results generated from one data set need to be
validated using another, independent data set. For instance, a useful biomarker
candidate for a specific disease, suggested from exploratory analysis of a
data set, should be able to single out patients with the disease in any
similar data set.

Qlucore Omics has functionality that makes it easy to work with multiple
data sets. The most apparent is that you can have many data sets open at the
same time making sure that you have the overview and access to all data sets
during the analysis. Within each data set, you can work with synchronized
plots exactly in the way that you normally do.

To transfer information between datasets you use lists (files). For
sample related information, it is sample annotations shared between the data
sets and for variables, it is 'variable list'.

Try this on your own data!

Download Qlucore Omics Explorer and use the document “How to work with multiple data sets” to guide you.