Qlucore Omics Explorer – Free Trial

When starting we recommend that you spend a few minutes and watch the getting started tutorials to kick of the trial and save time.

Free Cloud Trial​

Select Cloud Hub and you are ready to start the trial. (The Cloud Hub is also available in the top menu)

Login to access downloads

In order to access downloads, please log in. If you are not registered you need to register first.

Log in / Sign up

Compatibility and graphic card drivers


Version: Windows 10 or 11.

Graphic card drivers: Be sure to have updated drivers. The recommended process is to go to the graphic card manufacturers homepage and download the latest drivers. Note that Windows Update does not always provide the latest drivers. 


Version: macOS 14 (Sonoma) and 15 (Sequoia) .

Download for local installation

Note: If your organization is running a Qlucore license server you can download the program from here. The trial version will normally detect your license server.