Qlucore Omics Explorer video
Qlucore Omics Explorer free trial
Easy and flexible bioinformatics software for ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq data analysis.
Qlucore Omics Explorer allows for comprehensive analysis of peak data such as ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq. The program includes full work-flow support - from normalization to data export. The main components of the peak analysis are all included and easy accessible. The processing includes
The included Genome Browser includes flexible visualizations and powerful filtering options, making it easy to find interesting features.
The peak analysis support in Qlucore Omics Explorer allows for comprehensive analysis of peak data such as ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq. The main components of the peak analysis processing are peak detection, consensus peaks and count matrix generation. The genome browser in the NGS module includes powerful filtering options for the peak analysis, making it easy to find interesting features. The browser allows the user to annotate peaks and export the results as a bed file. If the experiment also includes RNA-seq data, it is possible to generate a count matrix for RNA-seq and swap between the RNA-seq and ChIP/ATAC-seq count matrices during the analysis.
The peak analysis support requires Next Generation Sequencing module for Qlucore Omics Explorer. To learn more about NGS module.
"Easy and fast ChIP seq analysis tailored for research biologists"
Performing peak analysis is quick and easy in Qlucore Omics Explorer. With the interactive Genome Browser, you add filters to the ChIP-seq data to qui...
The NGS module in Qlucore Omics Explorer enables exploration and analysis of sequencing data such as DNA-seq&n...
Qlucore Omics Explorer (QOE) supports the user with fast, simple and visual analysis of
measured data. The NGS Module is an add-on module that will enable additional functionality
related to data generated with NGS technologies and will make it possible to interactively and
dynamically analyze and explore NGS data both from DNA and RNA.
Example: Analyzing a yeast data set. Next generation sequencing (NGS) is one of the most powerful technologies we have to gather data on biological samples. While it is used to determine genetic content and to assay RNA abundance, it is also used in combination with diverse protocols to investigate DNA/RNA binding proteins or to assess the composition of non-clonal or metagenomic populations.