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Qlucore continues to expand in the US

As part of Qlucore’s commitment to business expansion in the US, Beth Repetti has been appointed as Sales Manager for the Mid Atlantic area.  ...

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New insights from Flow Cytometry data

Dig deeper into Flow Cytometry data With Qlucore Omics Explorer (QOE) you can analyze and explore many types of data. Flow Cytometry data is prevalen...

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Qlucore Projection Score aids better visualization of large data sets

Qlucore Projection Score indicates the usefulness of a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) representation Historically, scientists and researchers have...

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How it Works: Advanced data analysis using Visualization

Problem: A common challenge affecting many scientists, especially those working in the area of molecular biology, is the vast amount of data that is ...

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How to analyze TCGA data with Qlucore Omics Explorer

The Cancer Genome Atlas TCGA* is a major collaboration of 20 institutions across the United States and Canada. Altogether, TCGA has collecte...

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The new NGS module

Advance notice of NGS module release It’s exciting to tell you that the launch of the new NGS module for Qlucore Omics Explorer is on schedule. The N...

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Five Tips for Data Analysis

Five tips for quicker and easier data analysis We often discuss with clients and users about how to best apply Qlucore Omics Explorer to their specif...

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Successful visualisation. Examples from researchers

Use Qlucore Omics Explorer in all stages of your data analysis, from validation to visual reporting A busy day in a scientist’s life includes many di...

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A new approach for deciphering complex immune responses

The response to infection is highly variable from one individual to another. The Milieu Intérieur consortium, coordinated by Prof. Matthew Albert (Imm...

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The Steps for RNA-seq analysis

The steps for RNA-seq analysis Transcriptomic profiling via next generation sequencing (RNA-seq) is currently the most used data type by Qlucore Omic...

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Visualization as a tool for better findings

Visualization for new findings Visualization techniques have been used to simplify and focus complex messages and content for as long as we know. In ...

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Four examples of research from different areas

Generic methods enable focus on the scientific question Qlucore Omics Explorer is based on generic mathematical and statistical methods. The majority...

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