
Here are all the videos. You can search and filter based on category and product.

Introduction to the Venn diagram plot and the Set tool

Introduction to the Venn diagram plot and the Set tool

Introduction Qlucore Omics Explorer

Introduction to the Venn diagram in Qlucore Omics Explorer as an excellent tool to visualize overlap and interaction between lists. It is easy to set ...

Introduction to t-SNE plot

Introduction to t-SNE plot

Introduction Qlucore Omics Explorer

Short introduction showing how Qlucore Omics Explorer provides easy to use t-SNE plots and the tools you need for single Cell analysis. The t-SNE plot...

Introduction to Templates

Introduction to Templates

Introduction Qlucore Omics Explorer

Qlucore Omics Explorer includes a powerful functionality called Templates. These Templates are very powerful and easy to use. With very few key c...


Introduction to kmeans++ clustering

Introduction Qlucore Omics Explorer

Qlucore Omics Explorer, a fast and easy to use bioinformatics analysis software. This video introduces kmeans++ clustering and silhouette plot functio...

Chronic liver disease exploration using gene expression data

Chronic liver disease exploration using gene expression data


Explore the topic of chronic liver disease using Qlucore Omics Explorer and Genevestigator and characterize existing mouse models for NASH (non-alcoho...

Correlation, lists,  2D plots and coloring

Correlation, lists, 2D plots and coloring

Webinar Qlucore Omics Explorer

Learn how to use the correlation tool in Qlucore Omics Explorer, how to generate lists in different ways and how to compare lists in Venn Diagrams. Ql...

How to set-up and configure different plots

How to set-up and configure different plots

Webinar Qlucore Omics Explorer

In this webinar we will go through how to set-up and configure plots. Single plots and synchronized plots will be presented. Details about preparing a...

Explore chronic liver disease data and find related datasets

Explore chronic liver disease data and find related datasets

Webinar Qlucore Omics Explorer

Qlucore Omics Explorer and Genevestigator are two complementary tools/services, which when used together provides the end user with increased value an...

Genomic Analysis

Genomic Analysis

Webinar Qlucore Omics Explorer

In this webinar we demonstrate how to work with the NGS Project Manager in Qlucore Omics Explorer and the integrated Genome browser. We look at Varian...

Easy access to different type of public data

Easy access to different type of public data

Webinar Qlucore Omics Explorer

In this webinar we will show the inbuilt methods for easy access and download to public data In Qlucore Omics Explorer. The program offers several way...