Qlucore Omics Explorer video
Qlucore Omics Explorer free trial
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The Biomarker workbench in Qlucore Omics Explorer is optimized for drug development and biomarker discovery and it makes advanced set up of statistica...
In this webinar we will present new statistical methods and options that have been added to the statistics dialogue. We will also show how the new Bio...
Many new studies include RNA sequencing data. In this webinar we will go through the process of downloading and importing SRA data using the SRA toolk...
Qlucore Omics Explorer makes data analysis easier and faster - and improves the exploration and interpretation of complex multi omics data on both PC ...
Principal component analysis is a great method to reduce noise and quickly discover underlying patterns i...
The cancer genome atlas, TCGA, is the world's largest collection of genomic data and can easily be imported into Qlucore...
Gene set enrichment analysis is an excellent method to quickly identify sets of genes such as pathways&nb...
The NGS module in Qlucore Omics Explorer enables exploration and analysis of sequencing data such as DNA-seq&n...
By performing statistical analysis in Qlucore Omics Explorer, you can quickly identify a list of genes, proteins etc with significant differences betw...
Video Tutorial
This tutorial shows how to import RNA-seq BAM-files. The data is normalized and log transformed as part of the import process. The files need to be al...